【同义词辨析】 2019-03-19 迅速壮举自由到达超越(5小组一起记)
(1) 迅速
celerity: implies speed in working: got dinner ready with remarkable ~. 质能方程E=mc^2中的c表示光速celerity 奥运口号citius altius fortius中表示更快faster, swifter
alacrity: stresses eager promptness in response to suggestion or command: the students volunteered with surprising ~. prompt迅速的,强调训练有素准备充分,迅速响应是prompt response
celerity迅速: 指快速工作,alacrity迅速: 指快速响应
记忆方法: 1)练习一下
2)迅速的意思是行为动作快mean quickness in movement or action.
(2) 壮举
feat: applies to an act involving strength or dexterity or daring: the ~ of crossing the Atlantic in a balloon. (dexterity技艺娴熟implies proficient skill表示精通技术,本义是手灵活的) 如正文所述,feat强调力量技术勇气,又如acrobatic feats杂技,feats of strength展现力量的壮举,如美联社报道我国首个火星探测器用了两次feat壮举 1、 BEIJING (AP) — China landed a spacecraft on Mars for the first time on Saturday, a technically challenging feat more difficult than a moon landing技术上的壮举 2、The motherland and people will always remember your outstanding feats!卓越成就(壮举)
exploit: suggests an adventurous, brilliant, or heroic act: his celebrated ~s as a spy. (exploit英勇强调危险冒险,如the daring exploits of Roman heroes罗马英雄英勇无畏的行为,如his wartime exploits were later made into a film他在战争中的英勇行为后来被改编成电影,如his youthful exploits年轻时的冒险) brilliant光辉卓越
achievement: implies hard-won success in the face of difficulty or opposition: honored for her ~s as a chemist. 多指科学艺术方面,如scientific/artistic/academic achievements科学/艺术/学术成就
feat壮举: 展现力量技艺勇气的事迹,exploit英勇: 展现英雄勇敢卓越的事迹,achievement成就: 指克服困难障碍取得来之不易的成功
记忆方法: 1)练习一下
2)壮举的意思是非凡事迹mean a remarkable deed. deed指或优秀或恶劣的行为事迹,如a brave/charitable/evil/good deed勇敢的行为/善举/恶行/善行,如heroic deeds英雄事迹
(3) 自由
freedom: has a broad range of application and may imply anything from total absence of restraint to merely a sense of not being unduly hampered or frustrated: ~ of the press. 联合国人权宣言序言第二段列出的"四大自由"是the Freedom of Speech言论自由the Freedom of Worship(Belief)宗教信仰自由the Freedom from Want免于匮乏的自由the Freedom from Fear免于恐惧的自由,说"a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people"享受四大自由的世界是全人类的最高追求 序言第一段是"所有人固有的尊严,和平等的、不可剥夺的权利,是全世界自由、正义、和平的基础the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world" free有较多引申义,韦氏核心词典中有10个义项,这里给出的是最基础的意思: 不受束缚和逼迫 hamper妨碍frustrate挫折,都是干扰interfere的表现形式
liberty: suggests the power to choose or the release from former restraint or compulsion: the prisoners were willing to fight for their ~. 如《give me liberty or give me death不自由宁勿死》是美国独立战争时Patrick Henry的著名演说,如staue of liberty自由女神像是是法国在1876年赠送给美国的独立100周年礼物,如《liberty and love自由和爱情》是Sandor Petofi[backcolor=rgb(253, 252, 247)]裴多菲[/backcolor]的诗: Liberty and love---These two I must have---For love I’ll sacrifice My life---For liberty I’ll sacrifice My love”。 freedom泛指自由,liberty表示正当的未被滥用的自由,滥用的自由是下一个词license restraint克制,用作贬义时译为束缚
license: implies unusual freedom granted because of special circumstances: poetic ~; or may connote an abuse of freedom by willfully following one's own course without regard for propriety or the rights of others: the editorial takes considerable ~ with the facts. abuse滥用the use of something in a way that is wrong or harmful,如abuse of power/alcohol滥用职权/酗酒 固定搭配take license也可以说take liberty都表示滥用自由
freedom自由: 泛指自由,从完全不受约束到只是不受无理干扰,liberty自由: 表示拥有选择权,或从逼迫束缚中解放,license自由: 可指文学等自由发挥,也可指滥用自由,自行其事不顾他人不讲道理
记忆方法: 1)练习一下
2)自由的意思是做事不受逼迫束缚mean the power or condition of acting without compulsion. compel强迫某人违背意愿做某事
(4) 到达
arrival: emphasizes the preceding travel or movement: an ~ delayed by fog and ice. travel长途旅行to go to a place especially one that is far away,如the birds travel south for the winter鸟类南飞过冬,如travels around Europe by bus/car/train/air乘公交车/汽车/火车/飞机环欧洲旅行,如travels at the speed of light以光速传播,如下边的例子space travel星际旅行
advent: applies to a momentous or conspicuous arrival or an appearance upon a scene especially for the first time: the ~ of a new age in space travel. conspicuous显而意见的momentous显而易见地重要,两词合用表示显赫 圣诞节前4周叫the Advent降临节
arrival到达: 强调历经长途旅行,advent到达出现: 指重大显赫地到达或第一次出现
记忆方法: 1)练习一下
2)到达的意思是到达目的地mean the reaching of a destination.
(5) 超越
supremacy: implies superiority over all others that is usually perfectly apparent or generally accepted: the ~ of Shakespeare among English dramatists. 如economic/military/quantum supremacy经济/军事/量子超越地位 supremacist至上主义者a person who believes one group of people is better than all other groups and should have control over them认为自己比其他所有人优秀并且应该控制其他所有人,如racial/religious/cultural supremacists种族/宗教/文化至上主义者,如很多支持川普的人被称为white supremacists白人至上主义者 词根SUPER的意思是超过higher, over, more than,之前老是记了忘,后来发现首字母是hom想成home家,就很容易记住了 (superiority优势implies advantage over one's enemy,如to have naval/air superiority有海上/空中优势)
ascendancy: sometimes implies supremacy, but its chief idea is either that of emerging domination or of autocratic use of power: struggled to maintain the ~ over the other teams in the league. dominate支配控制主宰to control or be most important表示有控制权影响力,或者最重要,即占据优势地位 (autocratic独裁专断的suggests egotistic, self-conscious use of power, or haughty imposition of one's own will个人掌权,傲慢地推行个人意志,如an autocratic director of a ballet company芭蕾舞公司独裁专断的导演) 又如she gained ascendancy in the debate她在辩论中取得上风(优势)
supremacy超越地位最高权威: 表示显著地公认地超过其他所有人,ascendancy优势上风: 指方才出现的优势地位,常可表示滥用这种地位
记忆方法: 1)练习一下
2)超越的意思是拥有第一位的地位力量影响力mean the position of being first, as in rank, power, or influence.